Hello fam. I know it has been a long while since you have heard an update. I am back to my scheduled monthly reporting.
Since the last update a few things had happened:
1) Japan opened up in the beginning of November.
2) Japan closed back up due to the Omicron variant of the virus 3 weeks later.
3) Through this we learned of additional paperwork needed in order to acquire our Visa, now in the works.
4) New lessons from God in the waiting.
5) Freedom from debt.
6) A new Sister in Christ!!!
7) Language study begins stateside.
Details on the above can be found below:
1/2) The opening and closing of Japan
This was at the same time great encouragement and great discouragement for nearly all of us in the waiting. Everyone waiting for departure teemed with excitement in our group chats as we heard the News on November 8th. I was hesitant to release too much news about it for worry of what would happen thereafter. As we were preparing to apply for our visas we found out that there was additional paperwork needed that was announced alongside the Nov. 8th opening announcement (More on that below). While waiting for information on this new paperwork from the field, it was only a mere 3 weeks of being open before the Omicron variant became prominent and, as anticipated, Japan took one day to clise the country back up to all new travelers. We are back to the waiting block. It has been announced that Japan is looking at reevaluating opening up after the new year. We can but hope and continue to pray to God that it may open up here soon.
3) New News on New needed Paperwork
With the Nov. 8th announcement, there was additional information posted on new paperwork having been added to the list of items needed in order to apply for a Visa. It is somethong called a "screening certificate" (SC). The SC can only be acquired through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Office in Japan. We finally got word back on the process of obtaining this document the day that Japan closed its borders back up. The SC (according to what I have been told, please correct me if I am wrong lol) can only be processed once the restrictions have once again been lifted. So, if you would keep this in mind and in prayer, both for the opening of Japan and the quick processing of these documents: the SC and the Visa.
4) New Lessons From God in the Waiting
It feels like whiplash getting tossed and turned like this, but not all of it has been bad. In the waiting God has been poised for the teaching. The day Japan opened I sat through a sermon on transition and the suffering therein (it was unbelievable timing considering what was to come now looking back). From the waiting, to the anticipation; from the pain of loss to the excitement of what there is to gain; from the goodbyes and doors closing to the hellos and doors opening, God is the God of it all.
I don't have time to communicate all the things God has been teaching and speaking to me, meeting me in loneliness, in frustration, in peace and in anger. I do feel the need to share an image that he has frequently brought me back to these past few months. I was half asleep so I dont know if this qualifies as a dream or some vision, but whatever it is, it was a beautiful picture from God. I was in a room as white as can be and I saw Jesus ahead of me, looking me in the eye. He had some sort of somber but knowing gaze as if he was saying "I know what it is you are going through. I know what this feels like. I know what is being asked of you. I know." He then took an object out of my hand and turned and placed it on the cross. It wasn't some sin it seemed but rather a saceifice, one of comfort, security, dreams, expectations, family, health, relationships, or whatever it was he nailed it to the cross. I keep finding myself continually going back to those eyes that looked at me when I find things are frustrating or painful, worrisome or bothersome and it all becomes so much easier to let go and lay them on the cross.
There have been many great breakthroughs that God has provided me, but one thing that has been the greatest comfort has surely been Emmanual, God with us.
5) Freedom from debt
Four years and 50 grand later, God has blessed me with freedom from debt! My last school loan payment was made last month and I have found myself continuously rejoicing for it. It is one of the many things I had been anticipating for this year and I am happy to report even more that God has brought me to being "Debt free and field ready in 2021". Thabk you all who continuously prayed and supported me through this endeavor, for those who directly blessed me with gifts to make this happen, raised prayers on my behalf and especially HUGE thank you to Bridge Community Church in Troy, MI and to the Elders and Leaders there who specifically had the passion to help see me through this knowing debt to be a major stumbling block to many workers! I love and miss you my Bridge family!!!!!
6) A New Sister in Christ
Of all the news I bring you today, this one is the greatest and brings tears to my eyes even while writing it! We have a new sibling in Christ!!!!! I had the absolute joy of assisting my former Youth Pastor this past week in chaperoning a youth group to an overnight youth experience. There one of our students came forward to give her life to Christ. For the sake of privacy we will call her Little Miss C. So, Little Miss C somewhere between the sermon in the hockey rink, being shot at with T-shirt cannons, and in conversation and prayer came to find God's gift of salvation in Jesus. The awesome part about this was being able to stand in prayer together with Little Miss C at the same event, in the same venue, and on nearly the same day that I committed my life to Christ in nearly 16 years ago. I am humbled by our God continually but seeing God work in such a way always brings the joy and wonder of salvation back to my soul! So be in prayer for Little Miss C. We are told to pray all the more for new believers and so we will!
7) Language Study Begins
I have been able to the beginnings of language study having 12 weeks of language study completed stateside. Now I am looking at beginning a bit more of a robust course especially now that the borders are closed again. I will be signing up for these classes shortly. Pray that these can work out as the courses are online but based in Tokyo. I will be trying to construct a more robust language study stateside, so please pray for availability of the right people and strategiez to be implemented so that I can learn the most in the time and place that I have been given.
Final Thoughts~
So my brothers and sisters, I want to finish off with a quick word that was given to me from a friend, a good ol' fashioned Merry Christmas blessing (well it might not be truly "old fashioned" but it is from the heart).
"It's okay to be disappointed in things not going as planned or as hoped. This world is broken and the effects of its brokenness bleed into our day to day lives frequently. The good news is that regardless of how sad this is- we have a great Hope in His will and His power.
Stay fixated on His glory and stay waiting at His feet for His timing to come."
-My friend Jackie ❤ ❤
And a word from God:
"I remember my affliction and my wandering, the bitterness and the gall. I well remember them, and my soul is downcast within me. Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, "The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for him." The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him; it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord. It is good for a man to bear the yoke while he is young. Let him sit alone in silence, for the Lord has laid it on him. Let him bury his face in the dust for there may yet be hope. Let him offer his cheek to one who would strike him, and let him be filled with disgrace. For no one is cast off by the Lord forever. Though he brings grief, he will show compassion, so great is his unfailing love. For he does not willingly bring affliction or grief to anyone.
-Lamentations 3:19-33 NIV
So sit it his presence this Christmas my friends. I have had the joy of meeting with my friend Kentaro and a very random collection of passionate people from Texas and beyond ❤ as we gather together to pray for Japan, the Japanese and the raising up of new workers to go to Japan. It was been wonderful to have these prayer meetings, even if over Zoom. If you are interested in joing in, pm me. We sit and pray for Christ in Japan, hear from called ones in and to Japan and educate ourselves on the matter. GOD IS MOVING IN MIGHTY WAYS TOWARDS JAPAN. It is evident in my everyday engagements. So sit in the presence of the Lord this season and pray with us for Japan.
and as promised:
Have a Merry Christmas.
May you stuff yourselves
More full than a Thanksgiving turkey.
May you give the greatest gift of all
The good news carried on good feet.
May you spread Christmas cheer
Even when the incessent bells
In stores and malls never stop ringing.
May you sit at the Christmas tree
Simply to enjoy the lights and wonder
Why is it we drag and dress trees
Like a doll in our livingroom corners.
May you meet with all the family you love
And even with those you tolerate.
May you enjoy the first snows (where applicable)
And sit in quiet wonder
That the Lord of all this gave to you
The greatest gift.
And he will never leave you.
So stuff youself fat with his presence
And bring it to a friend
As if you were some sort of St. Nicholas
And have yourselves a Merry little Christmas.
I love you my friends!!!
Praying for you to witness to every blessing that is yours in Jesus!